仕 様 Attached EXT flap: high visibility design that provides additional facial coverage = confidence at the plateTPU rubber piece concealing hardware for seamless design High performance, impact absorbing foamAbsorbs and disperses forceDurable, long-lasting foam taking on multiple impactsPerformance based, battle tested, game readyMACH shell design provides sleeker profile with optimized ventilationIMPAX high performance padding absorbs and disperses force forming a barrier for the ultimate protectionTwo Tone Matte Finish
お取り扱い色;ツヤ消し赤 右打ちバッター用 サイズ;LXL
適応サイズ; LXL (頭周り54.61cm~63.5cm対応)
適応サイズ;SM(頭周り50.5cm~56.5cm対応)LXL (頭周り54.61cm~63.5cm対応)
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*他にもUSA グローブ出品しておりますのでよろしっかたらご覧下さい。
仕 様 Attached EXT flap: high visibility design that provides additional facial coverage = confidence at the plateTPU rubber piece concealing hardware for seamless design
High performance, impact absorbing foamAbsorbs and disperses forceDurable, long-lasting foam taking on multiple impactsPerformance based, battle tested, game readyMACH shell design provides sleeker profile with optimized ventilationIMPAX high performance padding absorbs and disperses force forming a barrier for the ultimate protectionTwo Tone Matte Finish